Join our board

Thank you for your interest in our board of directors. We value your lived experience, unique perspective and who you are as a person! There are no prerequisites to become a board member for FRFF, but please share a little about yourself to help guide the current board in their decision-making process.

Before applying, please take a moment to read the information below about what our board does, and what is expected of our board members.

Function: Commit to and support Frozen River Film Festival’s (hereafter referred to as "FRFF") mission, provide governance to the FRFF, represent it in the community, and accept the ultimate legal authority for the organization (meaning, for a non-profit, the board is similar to a business owner). 

Roles and Responsibilities of the Board: (Adapted from MAP for Nonprofits) 

Care - Actions must be in the best interest of the organization. 

Loyalty - The good of the organization must come before the individual in decisions related to the organization.

Compliance - The organization’s governing documents must be followed, and the organization must comply with state and federal laws in carrying out its functions. 

Strategic Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation 

Financial Oversight and Reasonable Use of Assets


Hiring and Supervision of Executive Director 

Board Leadership and Development:

  •  Assist Director in maintaining a positive organizational climate; 

  •  Become a monthly (sustaining) donor at a level appropriate for your budget and/or assist the Director in soliciting donations

Board member time commitments: 

  • Full board meetings monthly (2nd Wednesday of every month, 1 hour long via Zoom); 

  • Participation on at least 2 board committee which meet as needed; 

  • Attend as much of the Festival as possible (especially the weekend days) and at least 2 other events outside the Festival;

  • Annual board retreat 


  • Fill out this application

  • A member of the current board will contact you and, if appropriate, invite you to join an upcoming board meeting as a guest

  • The board would ask you some questions and you can ask them questions as well

  • After you leave the meeting, the board votes on whether to add the new member

  • You will be notified by the Board Chairs or ED and an orientation will be scheduled!